Welcome to the home of the T&A Podcast!

You want more T&A? You got it! We’ve graced your ears, and now we’re pleasuring your eyeballs. This website was hand crafted, and specifically designed to give you the chills. If you don’t leave here feeling satisfied, Sam has a special Koozie for you, just make sure to wash it before giving it back.

  • Jason


    Part owner of the T&A Produce and Fertility clinic, but better known for his role in Grinding Nemo. As a child he was raised by a fat bottomed girl, and never looked back. Long hair, don’t care, and loves em if they’ve got a pair…of shoes. Loves pretzels,and has the luscious locks of Fabio himself.

  • Sam


    Have you ever heard a more soothing voice? I haven’t! The self proclaimed Hannibal Lickter, and lover of all things pink! We’re talking Victoria’s Secret, he loves those comfortable pants. Sam is part owner of the T&A Pancake House, he’ll batter your griddle and flip you over for more!